The New Hybrid Neighborhood
Offices will need to earn people’s commute by meeting a new set of needs: to support hybrid work and establish connections. Our partner Steelcase shares how spaces need to change.
We want to help you and your client explore and discover their unique needs through assessments and engagements. To learn more about our process and services, click here.
Reach out to our A&D specialist, Amber Lewis, to schedule a visit to our WorkLife Center/Showroom. We will work with you to create a one of a kind experience to fit you and your clients project.
Explore nearly 50 forward-thinking brands and more than 4,500 products through Marketplace to create compelling shared spaces that perform better.
Explore the newest insights and trends in the latest issue of Steelcase 360.
Product planning? Here’s a quick link to Steelcase product details and specifications.