Bistro | Work Café
WorkSpace Interiors informal social space with technology
Discovery Lounge

Palette of Places

Traditionally workplaces have been designed for efficiency, and sometimes take a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. But that doesn’t offer employees the ability to choose the right kind of setting for the work they need to do.

“We wanted to be sure to get input from the people living in the space,” says Gray. “It was important in the planning process that the space provided choice and control, and was a safe environment for everyone to return to post-COVID.” And after a year working from home for the Knoxville team, it was a very welcome change for everyone to be back together – safely – in their beautiful new home in March 2021.

As you move through the showroom you see social and collaboration spaces in conjunction with learning and personal spaces. The pallet of places, technology and tools for collaboration, is not only a place to work, but to create and learn in. “What makes our showroom unique is seeing how people use it,” says Ronk. “Seeing how they interact with the space and the ways it delights them gives me a sense of joy and satisfaction.”

Space for learning, meeting and gathering
Town Center | Learn Lab