Tennessee Pledge: We Are Compliant
The “Tennessee Pledge” – is a plan to help Tennesseans return to work in a safe environment, restore their livelihoods and reboot our state’s economy. COVID-19 is an unprecedented and rapidly evolving threat facing Tennessee and the world. The health and safety of Tennesseans remains our number one priority. Much of our state’s current success in this fight is because Tennesseans naturally choose to put each other first and voluntarily adopt safe, new habits. It’s that volunteer spirit that’s been fighting this pandemic and it’s the same volunteer spirit that will rebuild our economy.
This plan was developed by Governor Lee, the Unified Command Group (UCG) andTennessee’s Economic Recovery Group (ERG) with input from health experts, state and local partners and business and industry leaders. It includes specific recommendations which enable most businesses to re-open responsibly without the burden of heavy mandates. This will be a gradual process, with room to adjust as we evaluate changing data.
The Tennessee Pledge asks businesses to provide safe working conditions that protect their employees’ health and also protects consumers while securing their livelihoods. This plan also asks employees to commit to protecting themselves, their co-workers and the customers they serve. Finally, we encourage every Tennessee resident to be on the same team with our businesses: act responsibly by following recommended guidelines for social distancing, hygiene and wearing protective equipment when appropriate.
Only by working together as a community of volunteers can we successfully reboot our economy, a vital component of our lives, security and liberty, and successfully move past this public health crisis. (Adapted from the TN Pledge)
View the pledge here